Supports services for young people
There are a number of agencies providing support to young people available. Many of these services are free of charge. If you have immediate concerns for your child, please contact the A & E department of your local hospital. - Information & support for people living with an eating disorder and their family. - a registered charity, is a peer-support programme to assist children, youth and adults who are grieving a death, separation or other painful transition in their family. - CanTeen Ireland is a nation-wide support group for young people who have or have had cancer, and for their brothers, sisters and friends. Dundalk Outcomers is a social and befriending support group for gay, lesbian and bi-sexual people. Samaritans provides 24-hour emotional support to anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal thought. Providing free professional counselling to those in need. Over 16+ but in certain circumstances can see 13+. website exploring issues of mental health. magazine exploring health and media. - a registered charity, is a peer-support programme to assist children, youth and adults who are grieving a death, separation or other painful transition in their family. - providing support for those affected by suicide and self-harm. Free counselling available.
A list of Mental Health, and Suicide Prevention Services and Supports for Louth & Meath