The Parents’ Association was established in Ballymakenny College in 2014 and has been an active part of the NPCPP since.
Objectives of the Association (as developed through stakeholder consultation)
- The voice of students and parents in the school for any concerns, issues and possible areas for improvement.
- Involvement in policy making and policy reviews in the school as part of a team.
- Volunteering and assisting in out-of-hour activities e.g PT meetings, graduations etc.
We strongly encourage parents to give time to the Association with the many events that we are involved in, ours is a team effort.
Ballymakenny College Parents Association holds an Annual General Meeting each September/October at which officers for the various areas are elected and hold office until the next A.G.M. The officers for the current year are:
Committee Officers 24/25
- Jessica Woods, Chair
- Anna Maria Cunningham, Secretary
- Edel Madden, PRO
The Parents' Association committee is formed by annual invitation to all parents at the AGM.
We have insured students in the school with ARACHAS Insurance for personal accident insurance 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
Accidents Will Happen!
With school pupils these can occur at school, or while travelling to or from school or whilst engaged in school related activities.