Learning Support

New SEN Allocation Model

Ballymakenny College is currently working under the new SEN Allocation Model. This means that we are receiving a set amount of hours based on our educational profile to provide assistance to students who may require a wide range of supports. Please see the attached link for further information regarding the new SEN model.


Ballymakenny College can not commit to a provision of support for any incoming student until we have received our annual allocation for that given year. This allocation is received in October of every academic year. Once this is received, Ballymakenny College will monitor and identify students on a needs basis before implementing support such as having a 2nd Teacher in the classroom or provision of Learning Support. Under the new model a student does not require a diagnosis to receive support. Also, it must be noted that a student with a diagnosis is not guaranteed additional support outside of the classroom. As stated above, this is based on a needs basis under the new model.

For parents/guardians seeking an Irish exemption, it is advised that you read the following document before communicating to the school why you are seeking an exemption for your son/daughter - https://www.education.ie/en/Circulars-and-Forms/Active-Circulars/cl0053_2019.pdf

Modern Foreign Languages

Please see the information linked below in relation to students studying a Modern Foreign Language:

At Ballymakenny College, we understand that some parents and students may feel unsure or even hesitant about learning a foreign language. However, we believe that studying a modern foreign language, whether French or Spanish, is a valuable part of a well-rounded education. That’s why all students are required to study a Modern Foreign Language up to the Junior Cycle in Ballymakenny College. Students also study Spanish or French in Transition Year.This is communicated prior to entry into First Year and to transfer students. We find that many students continue with their language studies through to Senior Cycle, as it helps keep their options open, particularly for university entry where a third language is often a requirement for courses like Arts, Social Sciences, and Medicine.

Modern Foreign Languages at Ballymakenny College

SNA Allocations and Access to Technology- All students wishing to avail of an SNA in secondary school must submit a new application before commencing. Ensure you have ticked the box for currently receiving SNA support on the First Year application form. Students availing of access to technology should have detailed this requirement on the First Year application form also. Further information regarding SNA access (note the requirement that the support is for ‘’care needs’’) and access to technology can be found here -http://ncse.ie/for-schools.

RACE – Students who are sitting State Exams can have an application sent to the State Exams Commission in December of the academic year that they are sitting their exams to receive support in State Exams. This ranges from spelling and grammar waivers, reading assistance to use of a laptop or scribe if required. Students need to meet set criteria to avail of this. A diagnosis does not guarantee support in state exams. Please read the documents on the following website for further information regarding RACE - https://www.examinations.ie/?l=en&mc=ca&sc=ra.

Support System – We at Ballymakenny College are very grateful for the role parents/guardians play in supporting students with any difficulties. Support at home combined with school support is essential for the progress of all students – e.g assisting in the completion of homework, organisational support, providing literacy support through reading, spelling, writing assistance and encouragement of your son/daughter is vital to the progress of our students. We expect those students who are accessing extra supports to play their part by attending school.

The Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) and qualification are targeted at a very specific group of students who have general learning disabilities in the higher functioning moderate and low functioning mild categories. The students are small in number (one or two in a typical school) and all have Individual Education Plans (IEPs). The Learning Programmes are built around Priority Learning Units (PLUs) that develop the basic, social and pre-vocational skills of the students involved.

Level 2 learning Programme information can be accessed here - https://ncca.ie/en/junior-cycle/level-one-and-level-two-programmes

27 2025
Parent Teacher Meeting - 5th Year
03 2025
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04 2025
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10 2025
Mock Examinations
17 2025
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Ballymakenny College,
Ballymakenny Rd
Co. Louth

041 9802459

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