Dear Parents/Guardians
Please find the presentation from Tuesday's meeting. Thanks for all the questions! This presentation covers a range of areas so please take time to read it and go through it with your child. Everybody wants to have a safe trip! Everybody wants an enjoyable trip!
Room groupings have not yet been made. Sheree will be looking after that area.
If you are not receiving text messages from the school ask your child to speak to me immediately to rectify this issue. If there are changes to timings on the presentation I will inform you all by text.
Please ensure that all outstanding monies owed to the School Tour Company are paid.
The bus will cost €12 for the return trip.
If you have any questions please contact
Download the Presentation by clicking on the link below:
Barcelona 2024 PDF.pdf
Download the Itinerary by clicking on the link below:
Barcelona 2024 Itinerary
Alan Mynes